Win Screaming Frog T-Shirts
Dan Sharp
Posted 4 May, 2018 by Dan Sharp in Screaming Frog
Win Screaming Frog T-Shirts
It’s time for another giveway. This time you have the chance to win a very cool Screaming Frog tee.
If you’re looking to keep cool this summer and proudly display your inner SEO, these are the t-shirts for you.

We have 50 t-shirts to giveaway, both ladies and mens, in a variety of sizes, and colours. Colour choice will depend on stock levels, though!

Every winner will also receive some Screaming Frog stickers.

How To Win A Screaming Frog T-Shirt
You can enter at the bottom of this post by providing your name and email (which will, of course, be kept confidential GDPR fans).
The giveaway is one entry per person and the winners will be randomly selected. You can be anywhere in the world, which has international post from the UK to enter.
The competition will end in nine days’ time on Sunday 13th of May (as per the widget below).
Win A T-Shirt Now!
As usual, you don’t need to worry about providing us with your name and email, we promise not to use it for anything promotional or stalkery. We will delete all records after we have confirmed the winners and delivery.
Screaming Frog T-Shirt Giveaway
pick me, pick me, pick me!! : – )
i read your article and found it very useful
It’s Star Wars day today, so I’m donning my Star Wars t-shirt. Next week could be a SF t-shirt.
I love froooooogs as much as I love SEO ! And I’m a frog eater :P
Please pick me !! <3
Haha, have you seen our robots.txt, Luc?
ribbit :-)
I’d look awful pretty in it, you know it.
You always look pretty to me, Sam! :-)
Awww, imagine what I hero I could be, walking through the agency with THIS AMAZING shirt! <3
Pls, pick me. :-*
Kind regards from Germany! :)
Pick me!
Me too :)
Pick me!
Thanks !! :))
For some reason, I really feel I neeeeed one of these
I want this amazing t-shirt!!
I want this…
Pick me!
I want a T-shirt!!! <3
Please, I need one to match my beanie
Fingers crossed !
Love the frog!!!!!
time for some ‘swag’ in our marketing department
Awesome :)
Yes please!
I love frogs
Pick me :)
Best tool and logo in SEO
Yeah! Nice!
Pick me! Use Screaming Frog nearly everyday.
I’ll be the ‘Bell of the SEO Ball’ in my Men’s Black XL ;)
Pick me! The frog will be pleased :)
Long time fan and subscriber, first time caller :)
Best season t-shirt :)
I have a collection of frog shirts, what’s one more? Everything!
Me encanta! Que vivan los sapoconchos!
Please, pick me :)
I love frogs! Please pick me
Love your software! Will send and share a pic of me wearing the tee ;-)
Kiss me princes and make me prince!
I would love one. :)
Happy green froggo
About time I got myself one of these beuts.
Why thank you!
May The Frog Be With Me
Best crawler of the universe :)
Need the SWAG, please please, please.
Green is my favourite colour, and frogs (plus anything with tentacles) are my favourite animals. I need this so much! (Send us two white shirts and my male colleague and I make a wet t-shirt contest video for you guys ;) )
Thank you!
I hope to be one of the lucky ones
Pick me ! Thanks ;-)
Awesome soft, awesome tshirt
Would love to win :)
Would love to get such an awesome tshirt :)
Don’t leave me all naked.
May the 4th be with you! And may a cool Screaming Frog t-shirt be with me.
I love Screaming Frog. TLF.
Love these contests! I’ve always wanted a shirt to sport at work!
Thank you for this and the tool. It makes my life easier everyday. I’m running scrapes on a portfolio of over 8000 sites this morning looking for 4 different scenarios. People come to me with stuff like this all the time.
If I win I promise to stop referring to Screaming Frog as Screeching Toad.
The rest of our SEO team will thank you!
Screaming Frog is the best…and I support Arsenal!! ;)
I’m in! :)
The sun is out. It’s definitely T-Shirt time!
i wanna T-shirts!!
I always subscribe for ur tools and advice alot to use it I would love to have it :)
Pleeeeaseeee!!!! :-)
Am I doing this right?
My laptop stills has some space for more stickers!
Screaming Frog changed my life. LOL. I am a big fan. Hands down the most useful SEO tool…especially for the price.
As a Henley Toad Patroller and professional Frog kisser. It what I dream of wearing.
I didn’t win a drinks bottle so I must be due a tee!!!!
Plus I heart frogs!
I think I should win if it stops Kev Lewis from getting one. After the drinks bottle disappointment let’s break his heart twice.
It would be useful for those days when my other SEO related clothing is unavailable.
Well, at least you’re honest, Andrew! haha
I just wanna get my team all riled up and toss out A FREE TEE SHIIIIIRRRRT at the next company meeting.
May the Frog Be With You!
I would like a t shirt :)
I am exciting to getting this cool Frog tshirt.Will share my pic in social media with #Frog lover :)
Would love to get my Search pals jealous and my family curious!
Show me some love Screaming Frog!
The perfect addition to my ever-expanding t-shirt collection!
I need one to match my Screaming Frog water bottle :-)
Fingers crossed!
Gimme gimme gimme this t-shirt after midnight.
Who doesn’t love a free tshirt????
Don’t you her?! The frog screams “Pick Tobias!” :D
Greetings from Wiesbaden, Germany
I want one!
Definitively, I deserve one of those t-shirts :)
I Love Frogs!
So cool! Please pick me! ♀️ ❤️
I ran out of cool t-shirts… Would you please lend me one of yours? ;)
I ♡ Screaming Frog! :-)
fr0g e1337
No frog no party
Count me in!
Me too…me too! Gotta love them Frogs!
I need to show who’s THE technical SEO ;)
Hey, one shipped to Spain will be great. I´ll take some walks on the beach with it :D
hy, guys. gonna win the t-shirt & become the frog prince screaming with happiness. break a leg!
I’m not a froggie but live in froggie-land, and I want this tee for my froggie clothing collection, redit, redit!
Please, please, please :)
All hail screaming frog. Dilly, dilly!
I’ll never turn down a free shirt. Especially when it’s a tool I’ve happy used and recommended…
You have to get them all
Just give it to me… Hello everyone!
I would love one of your T Shirts
Pick Natasha Woodford, please :-) Green is her favourite colour (I guess…lol) :-)
Yes please, love me some SF and branded schwag. Combine the two and I’m one happy chappy
Pick me, you won’t regret
Please Size L. Thanks
Yayyy pick me!
Please Pick me I just love your tool, it really helps me in my career.
I will love to wear your t-shirt.
Sweet shirt!! Thank you
Thanks to your tool, I found a 28.8MB image on the homepage of a site I was working on. Plus, I have a torso, perfect for things like t-shirts!
It’s T-Shirt time :)
Crossed fingers
Do we exchange stickers? =D what sound does the frog ? croá croá croá
Webbed fingers crossed!
Pick me, please! :-)
Is this a special tee? Let me see it and let you know! #swagfest
That’s one good looking frog shirt.
I want to win the t-shirt
We need frog t-shirt, we will keep in our office.. Cheers
I’m going to win one of this… so just 49 remain :P
You had me at “T Shirt”. Please pick me.
T-shirt me bro
I have some traffic on my website but no enough Twitter follower. Missing the world war.
I want mine!
croac, croac! (in spanish)
I wish you all lots of screamingfrog shirts!
Would match my stickers (absolutely NOT a fanboy in size XL)
Uhhh – I wish Fortuna to my side :D | Be a frog and live not analog like dog ;-)
I need to represent!
Inspired! thank you.
Fingers crossed!
Love screaming frog!!! Need a shirt!
It is a proven fact that a logo’d tee will exponentially improve your site crawling capabilities. I cannot reach my potential without it! I feel like Superman with out a cape (or the abs of steel…or super powers… well maybe not so much like Superman at all, but I would still enjoy the tee).
Do I enter by posting a comment!? Wasn’t absolutely clear but here it is! I’ve also re-tweeted it for a double whammy of luck.
Hey Ross,
Comment not needed, it’s a tweet to enter (apparently you have to choose an action to enter, rather than just include your name/email!).
Double luck to you anyway!
Hey, let me get a shirt! Thanks :)
Look great on my jollies! (vacation to non UK peeps!) :-)
Hello Screaming Toad, oh sry, i meant Screaming Frog! Send one of the t-shirts to sweden an we’ll represent the shit outta you here in Switzerland, SWEDEN. LOL
Pick meeeee :O
Aahha, please take me in :)
A frog to scream for! Pick me
T-shirt me :-)
I am also in this que :)
I have started crawling here :)
Pick me :-) I would buy one if I could.
So excited for this contest! I love Screaming Frog. :)
Yeaaaaahhhh finaly a clean t-shirt!
i wanna amazing t-shirt :))))
This is really exciting!
Pick me !!
Reach out for this large size dragonfly.
Pick me ! Pick me !
Big fan of your products here in Montreal !
pick me pick me –
PICK ME!! I am a huge advocate of your product and am working to get the SEO Spider integrated into our digital marketing efforts at work!
Great ! Greetings from the Czech republic.
Longtime listener, first time caller. Pick me!
I <3 Screaming Frog!
I’ll optimize web sites for T-Shirts!
Thanks for the competition
Give it to me
What the frog, I want that shirt! :)
Would love to wear one of your tee’s this summer :)
Cool! t-shirts and stickers?
Yes, please!
T-shirt me!! :-)
A frog shirt would be awesome. Thx.
Glad I found this website. Hook me up with that t-shirt!
Please guys, just one sticker and you will make my day!
Pop an email through with your address to and we’ll send you one :-)
Hey!!!! Want them for my team too!! We are going to wear them to our summer meetings with clients definitely!
2 Mediums wanted!!! Is it too late :/
I would just love to have a frog T-shirt !!!
Great t-shirts exactly i need one!☺
I would love to have a screaming frog t-shirt! Are these still available?
Wauw, i missed out on this :-) When is the next competition? :P
Yes, I loved Screamfrog T-shirts.
Screamfrog-T-Shirts …finde ich echt cool!
the action is a little while ago. maybe there is a kind of waiting list to be on the next time :-)
Cool! When will be next?
SF you’re always the best!
Thanks to your tool, I found a 29 MB image on the homepage of a site I was working on. Perfect for things like t-shirts!
Thanks a lot! this tool has helped us a lot in identifying all the on page issues of our website.
Thanks again for building a such a great tool!